I hope everything is going well there for ya´ll.
The weather is beginning to change here in Santa Cruz. It is a bit colder and windier. Which I love.
My week was really good. I truly have a learned a lot of things. You can never stop learning new things and that is what I love about the gospel... There is always more.
This week, we just worked our butts off to try and find new people. We honestly just asked everyone who they knew that could benefit from our message. We just talked to everyone.
A couple new people that we are excited to teach are Lupe Costas. She is an 18 year old girl who lives alone, is super Catholic, but open to reading the Book of Mormon. We left her homework to read the pamphlet of the restoration and she read the entire thing, which is super rare here in Bolivia... They are not the most ¨book-reading¨ people. Mostly they love to just watch movies. Haha.
Umm... There is also Ingrid and her 60 year old uncle, Julio. We met them yesterday and they just openly let us in their home and we taught them a bit about the gospel. They said that they really liked what we have to say, and they want to continue listening.
I am sending a lot of pictures, so I hope it makes up for the fact that I dont have a lot of things to say.
I had another interview with President Willard. We talked more about how I am doing and how I can continue to trust in the Lord and walk with Him. I know the church is true. The Lord Jesus Christ lives. I have never seen Him, but I know Him. I know Him and I continually get to know Him more and more as I pray, as I study the scriptures and as I continue faithfully in His work. He has rescued me. He has poured out his eternal light in my life. I love Him and I honestly don't know how I can ever repay Him for what He has done for me and for our family.
I love you all so much! Bye!
-Elder Jensen
Us up on the roof throwing water balloons at passerbys. It was fun.
During carnaval, I borrowed the keyboard from the ward. I taught myself how to play the piano a bit. I can play a couple hymns, but just with my right hand. I want to keep learning and play really well after the mission.
Haha, I had a lot of time on my hands during Carnaval, so I thought I would send a picture of my elbows... That I am still a freak and I think it is getting worse. Haha.
A new sport I learned. During carnaval, the stake president (who lives in the apartment right next to us) asked permission from the mission president if we could go play with him. We went to a place nearby and learned this new sport... Fronton. It is super fun. It is like tennis, except you play with the wall in front. I want to play it in the states.
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